Thursday, May 1, 2008

Quest 2008

What is Quest? Keegan and I write about it, prepare for it, pray for it, ask others to pray for it, and we regularly attend it. I would guess many of you just know it’s some kind of conference associated with our ministry but not much else. Even though I have heard much about Quest, I have to confess that I didn’t fully grasp what it involved until I attended one. I knew it was a leadership formation conference for CAM leaders but not much more than that. In light of my own experience I encouraged Keegan to continue communicating what Quest is. Leadership formation has been a passion of Keegan since he began ministry in the local church. Quest is an out growth of that passion, years of working with leaders, CAM’s needs and the primary focus of his doctorate.

In June of last year attendees were asked to help pick a name and theme that would reflect their vision and values for leader formation. Thus, the name and mantra were created: Quest…Becoming a Christ-like Community of Lifelong Learners. The word “quest” implies the act of seeking or pursuing something. A quest can also be an adventure. Often, it describes a chivalrous enterprise in a medieval romance, usually involving an adventurous journey. God certainly intends for all of us to experience an adventurous and exciting Christian walk. Quest is designed for people who want to make a difference in their ministry setting, and the purpose is to help participants become lifelong learners with the goal to understand and then seek to align their actions and attitudes with biblical principles and practices. Over 100 CAM missionaries have participated at some level in leader formation and felt it to be enriching, stimulating and highly valuable. Under its current design Quest conferences are offered twice a year during the months of April and October. Attendees include both men and women who are invited by their respective organizational leaders to participate. When possible and desirable, couples are encouraged to participate together.

The April Quest themes were focus on: 1) Living and Serving Together as Multiple Generations; 2) Essential Counseling Skills; 3) 4) What Kind of Legacy Are You Leaving?; 5) Learning as a Way of Being. Keegan will be facilitated three of these sessions Jon Edwards, CAM's member care coordinator, facilitated one session. Please continue to pray for the moving of God’s Spirit through this ministry and for changed lives and a changed mission. Join us in praying God will continue to provide the funding to continue Quest and grow it for His glory and honor(funding is by donations to CAM).

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