Sunday, April 27, 2008

My prayer from the QUEST conference

I want to stay right where I am-in God’s presence in nature. Here I can smell, hear and feel what has been destroyed by the urbanization of where I live. I am alone now all but God, His word and some of his smaller creations. I am still and I am quiet. If I can keep my mind and heart focused only on Him, I will be fed and nurtured and perhaps able to digest one tiny morsel which will sustain me in the days ahead. Lord, can I stay here? Here it’s just you and me. Thank you Lord for your creation and for allowing me to be in it this time and this place. Refresh my soul. Have your winds blow away my masks and smoke screens until there is no pretense. Warm my blood so that it rushes through my body carrying the physical impurities to the organs that will clean these impurities from me. Clear my senses from sin that prevents them from being sharp and effective. Wash my spiritual lungs of the darkness that I might breathe deeply and fully of your purity and righteousness. Surround me so I have no escape but to dwell here with you for this brief time. Touch me so that when I return to daily living I am changed.

As always God answered my prayer. I am changed. More will follow on Quest in another blog.

Friday, April 11, 2008

CAM Center and Me

Today is Friday and I have completed my first official week at CAM center. I worked Monday at the medical office, and began Tuesday at CAM center. They have given me an office near Keegan and the mobilization department. Right now it's pretty bare with a desk and a computer, but it is efficient. This week was CAM's week to have a concerted time of prayer each morning for all of the missionaries and ministries of CAM. Every morning began with an hour long session of prayer in small groups covering each specific missionary and ministry. Wow, it's been a long time since I have been able to participate in such a prayer time. I also learned so much about the needs and praises of each of CAM's missionaries. I am humbled by what God is doing through the people serving with CAM who are all so passionate and willing to serve God in each of their fields of ministry.
After the prayer time each morning, it was time to get busy. Quest is only two weeks away and there is much to do for the final preparation. Right now my main tasks are helping Keegan get the notebooks ready for the 46 people attending Quest and helping with communication. Let's just say, I didn't lack for anything to do and the days flew by. I loved having lunch with Keegan everyday in my office. Everyone in the office was wonderfully warm and friendly, and there was none of the usual drama and anger I experience at the medical office. It was so refreshing! Next week will be much the same with a little bit more pressure as it will be the last week to finish preparing for Quest. Already I have been asked to help with another project that involves a town meeting for our US missionaries in June. I will begin on that when we return from Quest.
I am so happy God is giving me this opportunity to return to ministry again. Please join me in praying He will provide for us as our budget has taken a huge cut without my nursing salary. Thank you. I close sharing this:
Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.
-- Helen Keller

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Leaves, leaving, and lives

I am spending my first week of being jobless to spend it with Holly, Greg and the grandchildren. Being with the next two generations gives me pause to think of my life and what I will one day be leaving behind. This fall we took a trip to Ruidoso, New Mexico and spent many hours hiking in the mountains there. One day we hiked along a beautiful wooded trail and I decided to stop and just experience my surroundings. I sat beneath a towering oak tree that was in the process of loosing it's leaves (not something I get to experience much in Dallas). As I sat there in the pile of decaying leaves, a slight breeze passed overhead and I was showered with withered and dry oak leaves, twigs, and even acorns. Every creature that crawled or hopped or scurried through the leaves made so much noise in the dry leaves that I knew I was not alone. I reached over and picked up a handful of dead leaves and twigs and watched how easily they crumbled in my hand. Moving the leaves aside I looked at the ground underneath and I saw such rich humus soil formed by the decay and I wished I could take back a large load to mix into the hard clay packed soil of my yard in Dallas. I was reminded of the elementary school science lesson I learned about how the decay will return to soil and will nourish the tree so that in the spring and succeeding years the tree will have the nourishment it needs to keep growing. I like how Solomon summed it up in Ecclesiastes 3:15 "Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before." Not to sound negative or morbid, I am decaying as I grow older, but it's not the ground I am thinking of nourishing. I am thinking of what will be my legacy to these children and those who are yet to be born. If anything, I want them to see that their mother and grandmother knew Jesus and heard His voice and followed Him. Let me be light to lead them to Him.
Speaking of children, we are very proud of all of our children, but this week we celebrate Bryce's new promotion at Time Warner. He's young to be in management, but he has worked hard and proven himself and his employers have recognized his gifts. Phillip has also continued to excel in his school work at Southwestern, but he has to keep his nose to the grindstone getting all the work done. Greg loves his new job and is slowly forming his team around him and making the job description come to life. The girls are all doing well. I have to admit after spending these few days with Holly, I honestly don't know how she does it--only by the grace of God.
Keegan is busy working on his presentations for Quest which will begin in two weeks. It's always a lot of work to get it ready and this time the group is even larger. There wil be many returning to continue learning and their enthusiasm about the conference has encouraged others to to want to be a part. Keegan has had to put his doctoral paper on hold until after Quest, but he intends to focus on it once again in May.
Since I am returning to full time ministry Keegan and I will be experiencing God's grace in new ways. Our prayer these days is based on Isaiah 30:21, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'". Please pray with us that we hear His voice in this new endeavor.