Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dallas Arboretum

We wish we could say our yard looked this good, but alas, we have to admit that we made a recent visit to the Dallas Arboretum.

The tulips were in full bloom everywhere and in every color.

The day was beautiful and there were so many people there. Walking the pathways were people from all over the world.

English was the least spoken language I overheard. Many of the visitors were in their cultural dress and the colors and styles were in competition with the variety of tulips we saw.

The day gave proof to the statistics about how international Dallas has become as a city.

This picture is my absolute favorite. They were every bit this bright!
Now if only I could get my yard looking this good!
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

QUEST 2009 Day Two

Don't worry; I'm not going to take you through all the days! It's just that the blog only allows me to post so few pictures each time, and I have so many that I want to share. Every day at Quest centered around a different element of the spiritual disciplines and problem solving. Day Two's theme was "Personality and Teams: Celebrating our Diversity". We had all taken the Myers-Briggs Personality Test before coming, and days Two and Three would center on those results. On this day we explored our different personality types from the 4 characteristics and then moved right into what they bring to a team--some good and some not so good things. We were given tasks to work out with mixed teams and then with teams who had each had the same dominant personality characteric. Working with fellow "feelers" or fellow "thinkers" was so much easier than the diversified teams, but couldn't give near the complete balance a mixed team could. It was a day full of much laughter as we looked at ourselves and each other in a new way and realized just how creative our God is!
Day Three was centered on overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of Teams, still working from our Myers-Briggs test results. Day Four took us in seemingly another direction altogether as we learned how to journal our life story, but since all the themes of this QUEST were helping us learn who we were as individuals and how we work with others it dovetailed right in with the rest of the days. CAM will change it's structure April 1st from hierarchical to team and QUEST was built around helping the missionaries work through the change. Please pray for CAM as the change process.

QUEST 2009 Day One

QUEST 2009 has come and gone already. There was so much preparation and rush up until the day it began, and now it's over so quickly. God was there and He really blessed the event. This time we had one of our smaller groups, but it did not affect the quality at all. Day One we worked on the True Meaning of Community. Remember this is interactive learning and Jon Edwards the facilitator of the day's study put us all right to work. After an introduction and some basics we were divided into 2 small groups and instructed to form our group into a community and to function as a a community. Easier said than done with such diversity! Each group was made up of men and women from the different fields of CAM. We had no trouble with step one: Pseudo community in which the group avoids conflict and is extremely pleasant to each other-just a time of chatter and laughter. We felt pretty good about our time and broke for lunch. After lunch, each group had to come back together and move on to step two "Chaos". This is the step where everyone tries to make everyone else normal and to convert each other to their point of view or heal them. Definitely not as much fun as step one! We obviously did not have time to move to step three "Emptiness" or the fourth stage, "Community". At the end of the day, we all agreed there is much work to do in our lives, our ministries and our organization to grow our communities.