Sunday, August 24, 2008


I have to be honest with you this morning. I am envious, if not even jealous (yes, I know it's a sin and and I am working on it.). Let me tell you why and then you will understand. Keegan's brother in law Jim just got back from a medical mission trip to Ghana. He leads a team there every six months and also leads teams to Mexico. Every time he comes back and shares what God did on the trip, I just wish I could have been a part of it. The pictures of the people, well and ill, and the testimonies of what God did makes my nursing heart wish I could have been there and have been used by God in such a way. I am so thrilled for Jim and how God uses him in this endeavor. He gives so sacrificially to serve God in this way using his talents, gifts, time, and money. God is blessing this ministry by providing so many materials for them to take each time and sending more team members on each trip. It is so exciting to see God work, and although I don't get to go, I do get to be a part of the team by praying.

Jim and Pat

The other thing that makes me feel envious this morning, is that Keegan's sister Pat just got back from a trip to Israel. She and a team are putting together a house in Jerusalem for interactive prayer. Pat and the team have become very active in creating interactive rooms for prayer in their church and other sites. They came to the attention of the International Mission Board who asked them to turn this old house that the IMB has had for years into a sanctuary for prayer. Pat and the team have made several trips there to get the house ready to open. This trip finished most of the indoor project and although she has only been home 48 hours, she has gotten reports of people from all walks and faiths entering there to find sanctuary. WOW! My heart just trembles with excitement to think what God will do with such a place in His holy city that is so war torn and so lost. Like Jim, Pat give so sacrificially to be used by God in this endeavor. I wish I had her pictures here to show you so you could see the transformation and the work that has gone into this transformation. Again, I had to remind myself that I was a part of that ministry-I had the privilege to pray for them.

Having both Pat and Jim over last night really raised my "green" level as they shared how God has led them to serve and what He is doing through their ministries. It caused me to go God again this morning, and ask forgiveness for the green, but to also be reminded that He has a plan for my life and my ministry. I am at a point of change and transition and I am waiting for His leading. It's not easy for me to wait and I think that's why my green level rose so high so quickly. Please pray for Pat and Jim and their respective ministries as they will both be returning to Israel and Ghana again. Pray for me as I wait to see what is my Ghana and Israel, and that I would be patient for the Lord.

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going to work and walking around life--place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you and quickly respond to it. "

Romans 12: 1-2 The Message

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