There’s passion ….and there’s duty. There’s enthusiasm…. and there’s determination. Candidate orientation is going on at CAM this week and next, and it’s always a great time getting to know people who want to serve the Lord with CAM International. Two nouns seem to capture some of the spirit of those who are here: passion and enthusiasm. These folks just bubble with passion and enthusiasm as they tell of their journeys to get here and describe their vision for the future. It’s so refreshing and contagious. I feel good about leaving duty and determination in the background for a while and just living the moment. I was there once and now I have matured into the duty and determination stage of life. Nothing’s wrong with maturing, but the reminder of where I started gives freshness and impetus to me today. I am so glad I can be here this week and next and be blessed by Candidate orientation. It will be fun to watch where God leads our appointees and the ministry He will give them.